Brand Protection Hero Illu
Brand Protection

Protect your brand

Brand protection is the practice of safeguarding a company’s brand and reputation by preventing others from using their intellectual property, trademarks, and copyrights without permission. It is the process of ensuring that the company’s intellectual property is being used in accordance with the law and in a way that benefits the brand’s reputation. Nothing can harm a brands reputation as much as the misuse of the name. Therefore the brand watch is super important.

Identify infringements as easy as ever

Monitoring and enforcing intellectual property rights is an important strategy for brand protection. This involves monitoring the market for unauthorized use of the company’s intellectual property and taking action against infringers.
If an infringement is detected it is crucial to take immediate actions to remove the infringement, this can be done, by contacting the respective platform on which the infringement has been detected, like Meta, Amazon, etc., sending cease and desist letters to the infringing party or even launch legal action.
360° iprotect specialists are there to support you in case your brand has been harmed.  

Worldwide monitoring on the largest marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, etc.

Permanent monitoring on the biggest social media platforms

Monitoring on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others

Fast removal of detected infringements (optional)

Your own customer account

Weekly report

Protecting values like never before

360° iprotect offers full services to offer the best protection for your brands. Starting with monitoring your brand all over the Internet. We see what people are doing with your brand in social media on the marketplaces and we can react in case infringements are detected. Our specialists always find the right solution to get your brand and your reputation protected, so that no damages are made and you can concetrante on the important aspects of your business.

Everything at your fingertips

Working with advanced analysis methods is hard enough. Mode makes the data and tools instantly accessible so you can analyze with fewer obstacles blocking your path.

Monthly reports

Get monthly reports from our state-of-the-art monitoring software with the world's most powerful trademark similarity algorithm.​


Our accuracy (+99%) - is tested as the best in the trademark search industry . Get warnings when a similarity was found.

Easy User-Interface

All this technology-driven talk but fear not, our User-Interface is designed to be incredibly user-friendly and easy to navigate. You don't have to be a tech wizard to use it!

Human Support

Do you need help in protecting your ideas, copyrights, or trademarks? If so, our team of human-powered specialists is ready and happy to help!

Don’t lose a second

Brand Protection starting at 190EUR per month

Our customers lead their industries

We noticed that monitoring and protecting our brands is becoming more important every year. I tested a couple different services and I have to say nothing comes close to what the people at 360° iprotect are doing. An unbeatable price and perfect service. Keep it going guys!
Marc Schiwek Founder of PEWEO

We make protecting your ideas, brands and assets easy

Setup new monitoring with just a few clicks

Protect your ideas and copyrights when it matters

IP-Specialists are here to help you with every question